
QPDC Brisbane Datsun Cruise *13th December 2003*
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Author:  ca18_datto [ Sat Nov 15, 2003 4:45 pm ]
Post subject:  QPDC Brisbane Datsun Cruise *13th December 2003*

Well the time has (finally!) come for the next cruise, it will be very similar to the one held in February of last year. We are still nutting out some of the finer details, but to make sure everyone can get the day off to attend, this is what has been decided so far ...

Date: Saturday 13th December 2003

Time: meeting at 12pm for socialising and BBQ (sausage sizzle and drinks available), for a 1.30-2pm cruise departure

Location: Wahminda Park on Samford Road in Ferny Grove (Ref. UBD Map 117, D17)

Cruise Details: still to be finalised, but most likely will head over Mt Glorious/Nebo, through past Wivenhoe Dam and Fernvale and end up at Willowbank Raceway for some racing or spectating at the Test'n'tune. Entry to race is $32, this admits you, your car and 1 spectator. Spectator only is $15 adult, $13 students kids 13 and under are free.

Those wishing to participate in the cruise will abide by all road rules and require a mechanically sound vehicle as the mountain ranges can be tough on brakes. Those who wish to disregard road rules will not be welcome on the cruise. Responsible driving is encouraged!

This post will be updated when the route has been finalised ... so keep watching. If you have any friends with dattos who would be interested in coming on the cruise, please let them know about it and and encourage them to send an email to brisbanedatsunclub@hotmail.com with their full name, car details and phone number so we can add their name to our contact list.

Author:  TRX910 [ Wed Dec 03, 2003 5:50 pm ]
Post subject: 

I'm keen!

If all things go well, I'll definately tag along..

For racing, what exactly is needed? (helmet, long sleeves etc) I've never run at Willowbank before, so I'd like to know so I don't show up and feel like a goon cos I didn't bring everything and not be allowed to race :?

Author:  ca18_datto [ Wed Dec 03, 2003 7:23 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yep you got it ... motorbike-style helmet is fine, plus closed in shoes and a long sleeved shirt/jumper and long pants.

Looking forward to seeing you there. :)


Author:  Guest [ Thu Dec 04, 2003 9:23 am ]
Post subject:  ride ??

Hey guys i am keen to go along to the cruze on sat but my car is still not running (1965 datsun fairlady with ca18det). I was just wondering if anyone would like to take a dat nut (me) as a passenger i will pay for fuel... I live in oxley.. just email me at: yelafifi@ipswich.qld.gov.au or text me on 0401678925

Author:  Guest [ Thu Dec 04, 2003 4:43 pm ]
Post subject: 

hey charlotte i look forward to seeing lots of pics of the event

Author:  akeizm [ Thu Dec 04, 2003 5:51 pm ]
Post subject: 

Its tempting to go, but I don't know if I wanna run my z that distance (+ don't know any1 heh). I seem to be havin engine probs and for some reason, i tried to put some revs on and the car coughed and stalled.....If I do end up going alot, I have 2 friends that own 280zx's.

Author:  TRX910 [ Fri Dec 05, 2003 12:20 pm ]
Post subject: 

akeizm wrote:
Its tempting to go, but I don't know if I wanna run my z that distance (+ don't know any1 heh).
I'm in the same boat (not knowing anyone) but it wouldn't be that bad.. going to a place with people who actually appreciate your car for what it is, and not see it as just "a datsun" or "shitbox bluebird" etc etc

Plus, I've had my car for 2 & 1/2 years, would like to see how it goes down the 1/4 mile :lol:

Author:  akeizm [ Fri Dec 05, 2003 3:43 pm ]
Post subject: 

Car's gotten worse, it stalled again it started right away. Then it stalled about 10 mins later and didn't want to start, took me 6 tries to get it going. And I also saved it about 4 times from stalling. I WISH I KNEW WHAT WAS WRONG!

Author:  oldskool [ Mon Dec 08, 2003 9:52 am ]
Post subject: 

Still have not found a ride for the cruze... :roll: if anyone is keen read the post above and send me a text or email....

Author:  Paydirt [ Mon Dec 08, 2003 2:19 pm ]
Post subject: 

Just a quick reminder that it is this weekend. :)

Guys make sure you come along, there will many people there that don't know anyone, that's how many of the cruises have been. Last cruise many people didn't know each other, but by the end we all knew people and had a great time. Make sure you all come.

Come say hi to me, I'll be in a white SR20DET 180B SSS, and my Girlfriend will be driving a Red SR20DE 200B SSS.

The event will be covered by Fullboost and there is also a vid being made.

Akeizm - Is your car carby or efi? It may be the hot weather that is cause vapourisation, or the alike.

Author:  akeizm [ Mon Dec 08, 2003 4:06 pm ]
Post subject: 

Its got the original Flat Top twin SU's. I find that in the heat it likes to jump (lose power then quickly get it back then lose it again) under hard acceleration. And the times it stalled, 2 times in heavy rain and once when the road was wet but not raining (just finished).

Fullboost is covering it, and video...now thats cool! Heh to bad my car ain't turbo (wish it was, but insurance for an 18 year old with turbo = $$$). The thing my car has going for it is its condition (spent alot of money on the car just on the look and condition.)

Author:  Paydirt [ Mon Dec 08, 2003 8:12 pm ]
Post subject: 

Sounds like you are getting water in the distributer or around the coil. If it's only done it when it has been wet, could be the problem. Has it happened before in the dry?

Come along on the cruise, the majority of cars will be non turbo, and Angus, Fullboost photographer, won't care. Chances are if the car looks good, you get photos taken.

Author:  akeizm [ Mon Dec 08, 2003 8:32 pm ]
Post subject: 

hmmmmmm, its sounding mighty tempting. I'd would like to see my Z in something. Might see what my mates are up to.

My dad is gonna have a look @ my carbies tommorow, I might get a new cap, although mine looks fine. Hmmm don't know about coil, we just replaced it. We've also got the vents on the bonnet covered, cause the carbies would suck in the water from those vents.

Author:  ca18_datto [ Mon Dec 08, 2003 11:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Reminder!! Cruise is THIS Saturday!

Just a reminder - less than a week to go until the cruise!

Some additional information:
The cruise is going to be covered by FullBoost, so make sure you bring your car along! We are planning a stop by Wivenhoe Dam and a photoshoot - with all photos taken available on cd. There is also a video being made of the day which will be professionally edited, and will feature all the cars plus some racing action from the evening. The video will be available in both VHS and DVD format, and can be ordered either on the day (we will be giving out order forms) or through www.turbophile.com and www.qpdc.cjb.net. Prices are as follows:

CD of images only: $5
DVD/VHS tape: $10
CD of images plus DVD/VHS tape: $13
NOTE: all prices inc. postage and handling

Any profits will go back into the QPDC, helping with web hosting for the QPDC website, plus any expenses encountered while setting up a proper registered club! So show your support and get some great images and footage of the cruise while you're at it.

Looking forward to seeing you all there (and make sure you tell your friends with Datsuns to come along too). Let's make this one even bigger than the last one! To get an idea of numbers, please RSVP by replying here (if you haven't already) if you are planning on coming along on the day.



Author:  TRX910 [ Tue Dec 09, 2003 12:03 pm ]
Post subject: 

I wasn't going to race @ Willowbank due to an unfortunate encounter with Mr. Plod :wink: but seeing how there'll be photos and videos of the whole shebang who can say no to that? I just hope I don't fry my bloody clutch

I'll promote the cruise tonight (Tuesday) at the Nissan Datsun Club of Qld meeting @ Albany Creek Library to see if any of the other members are keen to come

Any ideas on the approximate number of people going?

oldskool: I got your message, email me at : brian @ 910bluebird . com and we can work something out (but I ain't driving to bloody Oxley, lol)

I guess I better have my car washed for saturday then :lol:

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